Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Don’t believe everything you see…

I’ve recently been looking for some workout ideas online and have come across a great array of exercises. YouTube has posts containing great ideas from TRX and Kettlebells to Yoga. I definitely encourage you to look for and try new workout ideas.

The thing is… anyone can post just about anything on YouTube. With that in mind I advise you to watch but copy with caution.

One post in particular had three young men running around a back yard doing some seriously intense exercises. I don’t know who the guy commentating was but I really hope he wasn’t a personal trainer. These poor kids had some of the worst form I’ve ever seen. Add to that the commentator yelling at them to go fast and get in as much as they could, no wonder!

I’m definitely a stickler for form. It's somehow been ground into my skull through previous personal training ventures. In my opinion, if you can’t do it right there’s really no point in doing it at all. In fact, it’s probably worse than if you just stood there doing nothing. Poor form leads to injury, point blank.

I’m not saying give up on the exercise, don’t get me wrong, but maybe you need to think about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. If it’s to improve... chances are you aren’t going to without doing it safely and correctly.

Also, don’t think that because the demonstrators went as fast and as hard as they did, you need to do the same. A common mistake among exercisers, especially when first starting out, is to do too much too soon. If you’re unconditioned or have weaknesses you could risk some serious injury and even a major set back in your fitness goals.

When watching any exercise demonstrations notice that the "professionals" almost always show the moves in a slow and controlled motion the first time. Get the position and form down first, then go for time, reps, speed, etc.

You should know where you stand physically. You can lie to everyone else but you can't lie to yourself.

Challenge yourself but do it safely.

And of course if you need ANY help with your exercise routine you should consult a certified personal or sports trainer.

“Strive on with awareness”
