Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spare Change


Does that word scare you? I have to admit that it kinda scares me. I wasn't sure why so I looked up the definition. This third definition on is exactly why I dislike the word...

3. regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.

How do these words make you feel? Some people may find "regular" appealing. I am one that does not. If you do though you probably have no problem with routine. You unvaryingly balance your check book. You habitually exercise. Maybe you can even unimaginatively eat a consistent diet day in and day out.
But if you're like me, there needs to be:
  1. Some type of reward for doing something I don't want to do.
  2. Some type of positive change that leads toward a goal. Every little bit helps.
  3. This is the most important to me - Imagination in the task that I need to do. (a.k.a. FUN)
This is NOT me yet but I'll get there someday. Definitely not wearing those boots though. (:

If you're like me, you need those three things to be successful at some type of goal.
Especially if it's something that's going to be extra challenging and out of the normal for you.

How do we do this? Find ways to make things enjoyable. Celebrate small accomplishments toward our goals and don't take it personal when we slip up or forget. That's just "spare change".

Have a beautiful Sunday!